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Celebrating the 100th Issue of Convenience & Carwash Canada

Celebrating the 100th Issue of Convenience & Carwash Canada

By Angela Altass

This is Convenience & Carwash Canada’s 100th issue and we are taking some time to reflect on our journey.

The first issue of Convenience & Carwash Canada was published in September 2008 with headlines that talked about such topics as better-for-you products, employee turnover, increasing tobacco profitability, loyalty, POS systems, and technology.

While these topics have remained relevant in the industry, certain aspects of them have changed over the years. Innovation and POS systems, for example, remain important topics of discussion although there have been many advancements since a lower total cost of ownership.

“I would say there’s been a huge leap in accessibility and ease of use since then,”

says Karisa Marra, head of sales for Square Canada. “Legacy POS systems were either very difficult to navigate, as in it took a tech savvy person to operate them, or they required technical assistance to make changes and updates. Having the ability to make changes to your POS without support means a business owner can be more agile and make changes quickly and often. I would say cost is the other difference. Legacy POS systems were expensive and usually a big upfront investment for business owners.”

An article in the 2008 edition talked about linking loyalty to point of sale system. Having a loyalty program interfaced with a POS system is pretty common nowadays and Marra notes that small business owners continue to look for creative ways to bring customers back through loyalty programs.

Lee Barter, vice president, Infonet Technology, mentions the following as examples of how POS systems have changed since 2008:

  • Contactless payment
  • Windows, Android and iOS-based systems
  • Cloud based offerings
  • Multiple platforms: tablet, phone, smart terminal, large platform touch screen
  • Better and more dynamic reporting, analytics and product management using BI and AI
  • Smart shelf labelling
  • Order processing
  • Self-checkout

Tobacco remains one of the hottest topics in the convenience store industry, notes Stéphane Bouchard, national sales and marketing director, Century Tobacco Company (CTC).

“It’s still one of the highest investments for retailers as it demands significant stock investment and is highly regulated,” says Bouchard. “As manufacturers, we have a crucial role in helping retailers increase their margins and navigate the challenges that come with tobacco sales. Despite the changing landscape, tobacco continues to be a vital category for convenience stores, both as a significant revenue source and a product that requires careful management and regulatory compliance.”

The ongoing importance of tobacco as a product category is undeniable and it remains a key focus for the industry, says Bouchard.

The industry has certainly transformed since 2008, and so has the magazine,” notes Bouchard. “Convenience stores have shifted toward new approaches to generate growth, with retailers seeking more dynamic services and offerings. We now see a focus on foodservice options, carwash programs, and broader service offerings that cater to the evolving needs of consumers. These changes are well reflected in the magazine’s articles, which have done a great job in highlighting the efforts of various service providers making a difference. The key shift is that convenience stores are no longer just about stocking products but are evolving into multi-faceted service hubs.”

Over the years, Convenience & Carwash Canada has continuously brought attention to the most relevant and innovative players in the industry, which has been invaluable in showcasing the evolving landscape, says Bouchard.

For the carwash industry, there have been many changes since Convenience & Carwash Canada started publishing, says Ian Burton, North American director of sales, Istobal Vehicle Wash & Care.

“Touch carwashes have had a resurgence in the industry, payment methods have changed from cash to credit cards and are now moving towards mobile payment devices,” says Burton. “The customer is expecting more of a show at each site and site operators are looking for equipment that has the ability to provide site information remotely on their mobile device or laptop computer. CCC articles have dealt with industry issues. We will continue to see more changes in the industry and I am sure Brenda and Convenience & Carwash Canada will be on top of the information flow.”

The increasing involvement of women in the carwash industry and convenience retailing is noted by Tim Hogarth, president and CEO, The Pioneer Group when asked about changes within the industry since 2008. In acknowledgement of the growing involvement of women in leadership roles in the carwash industry, Convenience & Carwash Canada publisher Brenda Johnstone started a Women in Carwash™ conference in 2019.

Convenience & Carwash Canada would like to acknowledge the many people, stores, and organizations we have encountered along the way and thank those who have sent some warm and wonderful congratulatory wishes to us as we celebrate this milestone.

You can tell how much I enjoy a magazine based on how many articles I rip out and save. Come in my office and you’ll see plenty of articles from Convenience & Carwash Canada. It serves as my scouting system for great ideas and insights from operators that are often under the radar in our industry.

Jeff Lenard, NACS vice president of media and strategic communications.


Congratulations on the incredible milestone of the 100th issue of Convenience & Carwash Canada! It’s amazing to reflect on the journey and growth of the magazine and much of this success is due to Brenda Johnstone’s vision and determination. Her accomplishments are a true testament to her entrepreneurial spirit and deep knowledge of the industry. Brenda has not only thrived in an environment that has undergone so many changes but has also navigated the complexities of the publishing world. I had the privilege of meeting Brenda years ago at an NACDA convention, and since then, I have come to admire her not only for her industry insight but also as an important collaborator to key stakeholders in the convenience world. She is indeed an inspiring individual.

Steven Bouchard, national sales and marketing director, Century Tobacco Company (CTC)

Waleco would like to congratulate Brenda and the entire team at Convenience & Carwash Canada on the publishing of your 100th issue. Thank you for the dedication over the years and in turn creating amazing and relevant content for our industry. We look forward to the next 100 issues!

Ryan Vassos, Vice President and General Manager, Waleco Inc.

I have known Brenda Johnstone even before she had started Convenience & Carwash Canada. She had extensive experience in the industry at that time. She took that experience and started her own company and now has parlayed Convenience & Carwash Canada to be not only one of the leading industry magazines in Canada but also across North America. That risk and determination is big. All suppliers and customers go to her magazine to find out how to be successful in Canada.

Istobal USA has always been a big supporter of the magazine. She has always stepped outside the box and had articles that were important to our business model, which is in bay automatics. The 100th issue is a huge accomplishment for the company and its owner. Congratulations from Istobal USA.

Ian Burton, North American director of sales, Istobal

Convenience & Carwash Canada contributes by giving additional insight into the convenience and carwash industries in Canada. We are a very diverse nation with a weather climate that is unique across a huge geographic landscape. Having Canadian-based publications writing about Canadian-based issues is a blessing. It is great to see Canadian businesses thrive. Things are not exactly the same in Canada as they are in the U.S. so having Canadian-based periodicals is a positive factor for all Canadian industries. The Women in Carwash conference that was introduced by Brenda Johnstone is a wonderful and beneficial event. We have sent two representatives each year and will continue to do so. We salute the 100th issue of Convenience & Carwash Canada. Keep it going. Frank Merrill, executive vice president and chief marketing officer, AIR-serv Canada Inc.

Reaching a 100th edition milestone is no small feat and a tremendous achievement. Brenda Johnstone and her team are the magic ingredients behind this remarkable achievement and this publication is a testament to the enduring value it has provided to the convenience and carwash industry in both Canada and the U.S.A.

Tim Hogarth, President and CEO, The Pioneer Group.

Congratulations to Convenience & Carwash Canada magazine on their 100th edition and especially to Brenda for entering a tough market and having total success. The coverage this magazine has given over the years to advancing technologies has been amazing and extremely important to the market. Hard to believe it has been over 17 years and I have been there for them all and cannot thank Brenda enough for all her contributions and dedication to our industry.

Dave Bowen, President, Roctan 2000 Ltd.

Quite an accomplishment – 100 editions and 17 years of Convenience & Carwash Canada magazine! Gas King has been proud to be included and featured in some of these 100 information-packed issues. KINGgratulations to Brenda and her team from everyone at Gas King.

Brent Morris, President, Gas King Oil Co. Ltd.

The 100th issue is a major milestone especially these days when printed matter is no longer as prevalent as it was 10 years ago.

John Allen, President and CEO, P.D. McLaren Ltd.

Congratulations to Brenda and her team on reaching your 100th issue! It’s been fun to watch you launch and evolve the publication over the years. Here’s to the next 100 issues.

Darren Wight, Executive Vice President of Client Success, DeanHouston.

Congratulations to Convenience & Carwash Canada on the remarkable achievement of publishing your 100th edition! WPMA has greatly enjoyed our longstanding partnership, working together through our advertising trade to support each other’s growth and success. Here’s to the strong friendship we share, promoting camaraderie and innovation in our fields. We look forward to many more years of collaboration and mutual support!

Emily Perry, Accounts Payable Executive Assistant, Western Petroleum Marketers Association (WPMA).

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